Tuesday, March 18, 2008

What goes around.....

There's an old saying that our moms used on us....it's more of a curse really. The old "I hope when you have children they are exactly like you?" Well let me just say that it works whether or not the child actually spewed forth from your loins. Most already know that Nicole is biologically my niece (my brother Jimmy's child) but I have custody and have raised her thus, I am MOM. So anyway, I have found that it doesn't matter if you give birth to the child. You raise it, God's sense of humor kicks in, and sure enough....they do the same crap you pulled when you were little. For example, one of my worst habits as a child was being nosy. Anytime my mom had a friend over I had an insatiable need to be in the middle of the conversation knowing everything that was going on. Nicole is the exact same way. Also if I happen to be on the phone, inevitably there is some piece of information of the utmost importance that she has to bring to my attention right then and there. I'm not talking about some little, inconsequential thing oh no! I mean come on....the fact that she broke a shoelace and needs new ones absolutely cannot wait. Call 911, break out the National Guard! Shoelace emergency! It's not as if she didn't have, oh say, 5 WHOLE HOURS prior to me getting on the phone to tell me. Grrrr. Another thing.....the old "ok just a minute" phrase. I admit....it was my favorite answer anytime my mom wanted me to do anything I didn't feel like doing. I brought this on myself I know and although my mom feels my pain I know that deep down inside of her there's a maniacal bit of laughter brewing every time I get exasperated at my child doing these things. I also think it's these little moments in life that God chuckles at. It's like a network comedy in reruns. You've seen them all a hundred times but each time you watch you still laugh a little. I'm just looking forward to the day when it's Nicole's turn. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go practice my maniacal laugh....BWAHAHA!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL....I know so well what you mean....For I too as you know have been blessed with the once wished curse of my mother and as I sit here I find myself wishing the same on Brooke...love you guys...