Sunday, March 9, 2008

Sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Lately I've been plagued with some really bad migraines. In fact, last week I was in the ER for over 6 hours after being sent there by my regular Dr. to get an emergency CAT scan. Seems my doctor thought I might be having a stroke. Lovely. Turns out I wasn't but I did feel as though my head may totally explode from my neck and part of me was wishing it would just hurry up and get on with it. I figured at least that way the pain would go away. They hooked me up to all kinds of IV's and stuff and pumped me full of drugs. All I have to say is....I LOVE narcotic pain medications! I'm not a junky and anyone who knows me will tell you that if I ever were to become some type of one it would be a huffer/sniffer and my compound of choice would be a brand new bottle of Pine Sol to wrap my nostrils around. I loooove the smell of that stuff. Anyway....turns out I really like the way pain meds make you feel. They pumped me full of Dilautin and I quickly drifted off into a fuzzy little happy place. The top of my head started to tingle and I got a warm feeling all over. I think I saw the Care Bears dancing around my bed. Now here's the kicker....they waited until I had entered said "happy place" and my physical body no longer obeyed orders from my brain other than to breathe to have me give them a urine sample. Oh yeah, forgot to tell you, kidneys were hurting too. So here I am, naked but for a hospital gown that refuses to close in the back, there are tubes hooked up to my arm and my body feels what I imagine Gumby would feel like after laying on a heating pad for a about an hour.....all woozy, goopy and wobbly. So with this in mind, please imagine if you will, me heading to the bathroom, IV in tow, gown flapping in the breeze, passing what seems to be every person I've ever come in contact with in my life in the ER. Yes, there was even a deputy that I work with sitting there waiting to take a mental person on a transport. Can't wait to see HIM this week at work! So I manage to get the urine sample and meander back to my bed. They told me in the end that I have several kidney stones in each kidney, nothing new, and that they didn't think the migraine was anything to worry about, probably a one shot deal. Prescriptions were written and Mom took me home.

Well guess what....the little brother to this migraine showed up this morning right around 6am. This is now 2 weeks in a row that I haven't been able to go to church because of feeling so sick and in pain that I thought I'd die. I took some pain meds and the headache did start easing up but they also made me fall into a deep sleep and I didn't wake up until almost noon. I'm starting to wonder if Satan has a hand in this. He's actually getting double his pleasure out of this.....making me miss church AND turning me into a narcotics junkie at the same time. The jerk. So....if you would be so kind....please say a prayer for me. I'm sick of being sick and I miss church. Thanks!

1 comment:

Chris said...

My Re!!

I hate to sound so "punny" but I really do feel your pain. I've been suffering with migraines and headaches all my life - but hang in there!! You are the one of the toughest chicas I know and I love you!!